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Rupiah set to resume fall

 Business: Reaching crisis point

ADB sees dip in Asia's growth

  Indonesia cuts growth rate

Critical IMF talks

 FEER: A Victim of legal anarchy

IMF will re-examine Indonesia 

 IMF positive on Indonesia review

FEER - Indonesia monetary meltdown

Indonesia confident on IMF review  

Exxon - Too hot to handle

 FEER - Subsidized smuggling

BUSINESS WEEK : Economic Outlook

 FEER: Darkness at the end of tunne

US Report: Recovery at crossroads

 Storm clouds at the horizon

US: Indonesia Commercial Guide 2001

Changes to Income tax (03/2001)

Domestic economy

Money moving overseas

  Plummeting rupiah adds to woes

Sumitro: Indonesia Economics Guru dies

 In memoriam Sumitro Djojohadikusumo

 Farewell to Sumitro Djojohadikusumo

Economic Highs & Lows Jan Feb 2001

 Economic policy establishment

 World Bank warning of halt in lending

 FEER: Gain through pain

 Indonesia dispute with IMF

World Bank warning

 Reform or face economic peril

 World Bank: Economy threatened

Indonesia's Future Prospects

Indonesia and the IMF

FEER - Economic Forecast

 The Public sector

Economic Reform after crisis

  Economic statistics

President ready to tackle economy

WB - Economic data at a glance

Indonesia economy

Gus Dur's Year

 Economic overview

 Between Autonomy and Centralization

Battle in the Air

BI remains centre of battle

Chronology of Crisis (12/13/00)

 Churchs bombings will worsen economy

SE Asia braces for more economic pain

 Economic Policy establishment

 APEC 2000

 World Bank chief supports Wahid

New forest concessions

 Global warming suspected in Asia floods

 Economic Policy establishment

Indonesia Investment Climate 2000

US-Indonesia economic relations

Coal Report Indonesia 2000

APEC-Call for global trade

 Indonesian Market Background

 Another casualty of crony capitalism

The IMF in Asia

 CGI approves $4.8 billion for 2001

 CGI approves $4.8 Billion aid package

Stalled Corporate Reform

Up in Arms

Budget FY 2001 Foreign borrowing

Oil Tremors

 US not threatening an embargo

Market jitters at Asean meeting

Further slip on investment map

Budget FY 2001 Assumptions 

Budget FY 2001 summary

  Debtors to benefit

Budget FY 2001 unveiled

$340M Debt restructured

New budget boosts regions

 Ramli denies conglomerate bail out

Chronology of the Crisis 09/2000

 2001 Draft budget

 IFC denies commitment to bonds

Property Market

IMF cites significant economic progress

 Legal uncertainty hampers Batam 

Talk with Rizal Ramli 

 IFC to guarantee international bonds 

 Ethnic Chinese and the economy

 Economy struggles

Economic & Financial Data 08/00

FinEc Highlights 09/2000

 Social impact of crisis

 End of Asian miracle

  Dimensions of the 1998 crisis

 Economic statistics

 Potential sources of growth


Economic Policy Enhance Asian Financial Stability 
Investment LCWeb-Post & Telecoms
Economic Growth Transport & Communications
Economic Issues LCWeb-Infrastructure 
EKUIN Web LCWeb-Employment & Income 
Indonesian Economy Economic Policies
Economic flu LCWeb-Agriculture
Cooperatives Agriculture
Key economic indicators LCWeb-Direction of Trade
Budget 2000 LCWeb-Industry
Commercial guide Major challenges
Crisis Chronology Crisis Chronology
Economic Trends 99 Recovery challenges
Transport Fin Ec summary Feb 2000
1997 Turmoil Crisis - Winners and losers 
Analysys Indonesia 1997 History of the economy
Economic Crisis World Bank on Corruption
Economic policymakers Development Priorities
Suharto: IMF reforms not enough Hasil Sidang CGI IX
IMF loans under threat BAPPENAS-Planning Bureau
World Factbook 1999 Investment Trends
Middle class has emerged Country Analysis
Ginanjar-Economic Recovery Plan  Crisis: Asia Chronology
A talk with Ginanjar Kartasasmita Resting on a secure economic base
The Suharto Inc.Network Everything was totally destroyed
Meltdown in Asia Crisis - Country breakdown
Indonesia Crisis Analysis: Econ & Political Crisis
Communications World Bank: Key events of Crisis
Economic Turmoil Economic summary
Wahid faces economic mountain Economic & Political Analysis
1998 Banking Revolution MSNBCchronology
Meltdown in Asia 1 Power to the people
Meltdown in Asia 2 Spotlight on Indonesia
Meltdown in Asia 3 The economy under Wahid
Meltdown in Asia 4 A turning point-April 2000
Economic freefall Indonesia and the IMF
Assessing Asian Financial Crisis BW interviews Kwik Kian Gie Jun99
BW - Indonesia and World Bank BW interviews L Sukardi Jun99
Robert McKee's Analysis Economic and Political Crisis
Indonesia's crisis Trouble for Freeport
Beyond Asian Crisis The IMF and Indonesia
Economic Statistics 1970-1993 Dorodjatun: Political cycle
Chinese domination myth From crisis to recovery
Economic growth summary UN Country Strategy Note
From chaos to disaster UN-The past 25 years
Equilibrium of the Economy(1997) UN-Development problems
IMF blueprint for economy Forest Fires
Economic outlook Economic Development Feb 2000
Rebuilding the economy (10/99) Analysis: The Crisis in Indonesia
How crisis affects women Root causes of turmoil
Main principles of development Memorandum of Finec policies
Economic outlook-Continuity A big 10 emerging economy
Crisis Chronology March 2000 Economic financial issues
Shape of govt economic team Natural Resource wealth
Recovery March 1999 Forestry Regulations
Highs and lows Jan 2000 Highs and Lows Dec 1999
Potential Sources of growth 1999 End 1998 picture cloudy
Agriculture Economic miracle
Post & Telecoms Economic Free-Fall
Transportation Economic Reform-Legal drafting
Communications APEC-Indonesia
Economy 1996 Indonesian recovery articles
Taking on the timber tycoons Globalisation challenge
Crisis-Challenge for US leadership All eyes on the economy
Economic Challenges How to help Indonesia prosper
US and IMF made crisis worse ASWJ-Cause of Crisis
The Nation and the People Indonesia's Discontent
Country Profile Asia's New High-Tech competitors
Crisis chronology May 97-Feb 98 Asian Economic crisis-Views
What caused the crisis? Asian Crisis papers
APEC organisation Asia-What went wrong?
Economic Reform Survey ABC Country Book - Economy
Australia Report - Crisis in Indonesia Pacific Grim
Political Economy WSJ-Economic Turmoil 1998
Science & Technology 1998 Meltdown is not over yet
Economic Report 1999 Stern - The Econ & Political Crisis 
Harvard Inst : Indonesia's Implosion Interview Sumitro Djojohadikusumo
The BPS Website Bulletin of Indonesian Econ Studies
Liquidating the forest Transportation
Sumitro: Pemulihan Ekonomi Sea and Air Transport
The Economist: Shaky Economy FEER: Economic survey 0299
FEER: Double Whammy Crisis: Cause and Effect
FEER: Baptism of Fire 1999: Year in Review
E Timor: Economic implications Changing Gears, Dec 1998
Social effects of the crisis Economic & Political Crisis
Crisis: How it entangles the US What caused Asia's crisis
Interview with Emil Salim Myths of the Asian crisis
The people's economy UN Country Strategy Note
Indonesian Economy Macro-economic indicators
Macroeconomic Indicators Development Achievements
Econ & Financial Policies 1998 Special Reports Economic Crisis
The 1997-98 drought in Indonesia Indonesia Australia and the crisis
The Perilous Moment Crisis Major Issues
Lessons from the crisis Origins of the crisis
Lessons of the Asian collapse Seeking to boost economy
What Asian crisis portends Growth slower than expected
FEER: Fraying at the edges 1998 - Year of the Crisis
Garuda - Turbulence in the sky Pushing a people's economy
Economic Foreign Policy Ginanjar versus Winters
Impact of Forest Fires Wahid of to flying start
The looming catastrophe Paradigms of power
Rocks in the Road Is Asia out of luck?
Crisis chronology 03/00 How to get the country moving
Crisis - The way out B.I. - Once castle in the sand
How to rescue Indonesia Crisis - Winners and losers
Kwik: Confidence Wahid- The numbers game
Can Kwik revive the economy? Rebuilding Asia
Emil Salim on Economy IMF approves 372M loan
Clinton Adm. used IMF as bulldozer Economic Reform Decrees 05/00
The economic contagion Politics slowing economic survival
FEER-Growth Gap, Asean Struggles IMF Agreement March 2000
Economic indicators 1990-98  Economy Interim Report 1999
Economy Report 1997-1998 1997 WB Labor Market Report
1996 Industrial Centralization Report Asia Society Special Econ Reports
Indonesia & Free Market Democracy Crisis:Challenge for US leadership
IMFon Economic Recovery Process  Toll on economy 
FEER: Indonesia Bloodbath Spice islands Rampage
Economic woes Politics slowing economic survival
Asiaweek: Nation Adrift 2nd Round Economic Crisis warning
Increasing geographical importance  Crisis: Asia's Memory lapse 
Indonesia Time-line  Political & economic crisis deepens 
FEER - Kept afloat by oil Wahid's woes - Investors rattled 
Chronic indecision taking toll  FinEc Highlights Jujly 2000 
World Bank: Time to scale back? WB-Massive Presence&Big Problems
The IMF's New Deal Jan 2000  BW-Secret Financial Blueprint
Surat pengunduran Kwik Kian Gie  Kwik's resignation accepted 
Political economy of Indonesia  Kwik's resignation 
Economic priorities announced  Dimensions of Crisis 97
Confronting political economic crisis  Rebuilding Asia
Secret financial blueprint Considerable wealth has been lost
We'll get along without World Bank Are Wahid's woes wrecking reform?
Investment Climate 2000  IMF on recovery  
The corrupt archipelago Business steers clear of Indonesia 
Talk with Rizal Ramli  Telecom - Crossed connections 
50 Years of development  Loans test nerve of the West
Econ Recovery on course, still fragile  Rebuilding Economy & Stability 
UN Country Strategy Note Globally Important Archipelago
International Aid at risk   Social political background of crisis






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Sukarno years

Suharto Years

A R Wahid



